CVRC Summer Series
Our 2024 Summer Series will be held at Boughton Mill on the following dates:
May 24 (Friday evening)
June 14 (Friday evening)
July 19 (Friday evening)
August 16 (Friday evening)
September 21 (Saturday morning)
Thank you to our Series Sponsors
Smart Bodies UK Pilates and Equipilates
Catesby Equestrian
Alice Meek Equine Massage
Tests from Intro to Elementary in a 20 x 40 arena under BRC rules
Different combination of tests at each event
Schedule coming soon
FLU VACCINATIONS - All horses and ponies that compete at BRC qualifying competitions and championships must have had a valid flu vaccination within the last 12 months and not in the 7 days preceding that competition. The primary course of vaccinations must also be correct. This is a change from the previous 6 month rule, though the BRC has stated that it "strongly recommends" that the 6 month rule is followed.
For all CVRC training and shows we require that all horses and ponies that attend CVRC training at our various venues or any CVRC competitions also follow this rule and have had a flu vaccination within the last 12 months and not the preceding 7 days.
We will be keeping a record of all vaccinations of active members' horses and ponies to ensure that our venues do not take on any risk from non-vaccinated horses and ponies attending training or shows. Please ensure that you remember to send an up to date copy of the first page of your horse's passport showing its name and UELN and all vaccination pages to for the attention of Tracie. Whenever your horse has a booster, please send the updated vaccinations page to for the attention of Tracie.
BRC and Area Competitions
Area 5 holds a number of competitions through out the year. The competitions cover all disciplines and include qualifiers to the Riding Club National Championships. If you would like to represent the club please let the team captains (Jo Salter and Amanda Rawson) know.
Rules - the current British Riding Clubs Rules are available on their website. Anyone wishing to compete in a qualifier or championship must have the correct equipment and have their hats tagged. Please see the BRC website for more details. Click here to visit the BRC website.
Passports - remember whenever you transport your horse/pony you must have their passport with you. You could be prosecuted by the police if you do not have it – they could impose a custodial sentence.
Flu vaccinations - to compete at Area 5 qualifiers, your horse's flu vaccinations have to comply with Riding Club rules. If your flu vaccination is not compliant, you will not be able to compete. You must send copies of your flu vaccinations pages from your horse's passport to your team captain prior to competition so they can be checked before the event. NB as above, from 1 March 2020 all horses and ponies competing at BRC competitions must have had a flu vaccination within the last 12 months and not in the preceding 7 days before the competition.
Entry fees - you will need to pay the entry fee well in advance and your team captain will confirm the amount. Often there is a pre-entry fee then a second fee for competitors. Please note no team or qualifier entries will be accepted without pre-payment - no exceptions.
Volunteers - if you qualify for a championship you must provide a volunteer to travel with you and help on the day or your entry will not be put forward by CVRC. BRC have tightened up their rules and refuse to accept entries without a volunteer - we have to comply with this BRC rule.